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Get an effective cardio workout without leaving the house.


Cardio exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, means exercise “with oxygen.” This type of exercise uses the large muscles of your legs, arms, and core and gets your heart pumping and your breathing elevated, so more oxygen is inhaled and delivered to your body. Cardio strengthens your heart and muscles, burns calories, and boosts your mood. With cardio you’ll sleep better at night, relieve arthritis pain, and help prevent disease.

A balanced workout routine will include cardio exercise several days a week. On those days when it’s too hot, cold, or rainy outside or you can’t get to the gym to meet your trainer, there are plenty of exercises you can do at home for an effective cardio workout, without a single piece of equipment. So the next time you’re homebound, rotate through these exercises, spending 30 to 60 seconds on each exercise.

Jumping Jacks

It doesn’t take long for this simple exercise to make you feel winded. While jumping your feet out to the side, circle your arms overhead. As you bring your feet back together, lower your arms back to your sides and repeat. You can burn 100 calories in just 10 minutes of jumping jacks. As an added perk, you’ll feel like a kid again!

Spiderman Mountain Climbers

Work you core with this variation of mountain climbers. On the floor in a high plank, bring your right knee out to the side and up toward your right elbow. At the same time, turn your head toward the right. Return your right foot to starting position and bring your left knee out and up toward your left elbow while turning your head toward the left. The entire time, keep your torso stable. Continue alternating legs.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lower down into a squat and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Now, thrust your legs back behind you so you land in a high plank position. From here, jump your feet back toward your hands and return to the squat position before exploding off the floor in a jump. Repeat. If you want to add intensity, add a push-up in the middle of the movement, when in plank position.


Imitating the movement of a skater, stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Jump over on your right foot while bringing your left foot behind your right foot, letting it barely touch the floor. Now, jump to the left with your left foot, bringing your right foot behind your left foot. Continue jumping back and forth.

Jump Rope

An indoor cardio workout can be as simple as jumping rope, and if you work hard, you’ll burn up to 220 calories in just 20 minutes. While it looks easy, it requires endurance and coordination to repetitively jump over a rope. To jump rope the right way, turn the rope with your wrists, not your arms, and land gently on the floor after each jump. Variations of jumping rope include alternating feet, jumping on one foot, or jumping with high knees.

Jump Lunges

Step forward on your right foot and lower your body until your right leg is at a 90-degree angle and your right knee is above your toes. Jump up and switch legs in the air so that you land with your left leg forward. Lower into a lunge position and repeat.


Give your arms a workout while keeping your heart rate elevated with good old push-ups. From a high plank position or on your hands and knees with your back straight, bend your elbows and lower your body toward the floor. Straighten your arms and raise your body to return to your starting position. Repeat.

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